On the Future of Cybercrime

As computers get faster cybercrime will get faster. As computers permeate more of our society cybercrime will enter those same areas. As computers become more autonomous – with AI and machine learning – crime will become more autonomous. Cybercrime will enter as well areas such as driverless cars, implanted medical devices, and more.

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So you look at something like ransomware which is basically a ransom crime (that is old!). Project that onto computers and as a consequence of that you have to pay to get your data back. Project that onto a car. You wake up in the morning you go out to your car and instead of being able to turn it on there’s a note saying you pay a hundred dollars to unlock your car. That’s coming so just watch where the computers go and you see where the crime goes.

The above text is an abstract extracted from the YouTube clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2VzjeAOksc. More information related to this can be found in the documentary titled: “Dark Web: Fighting Cybercrime”.