Panel Discussion on the topic of Designing IoT Systems

I was invited to participate in a panel discussion at Malmö University on Friday, April 8th. The topic of “Designing IoT Systems” was the one I was asked to speak about. There were representatives from Sony and Sigma Connectivity in the panel with me. Concerns about trustworthiness were a major topic of discussion during the session. 

Safety, security, privacy, reliability, and resilience tend to be identified by several researchers as the main trustworthiness concerns in the IoT domain. These concerns are there to ensure that systems function as intended in a variety of situations.

According to several academics, the most challenging aspects of designing trustworthy IoT systems are achieving privacy and security. From applications to devices, each layer of the Internet of Things has its own set of security risks and potential attacks. From a research perspective, a hot topic is that of building energy-efficient security, along with scalable and dynamic security architectures. Preserving data privacy in the IoT, on the other hand, is also particularly challenging. Existing IoT privacy mechanisms are often built for single services, and not necessarily for interdependent, dynamic, and heterogeneous services. Building new privacy preservation techniques for interdependent services is a hot topic, as is federated learning when it comes to data privacy.

Panel discussion on the topic of “Designing IoT Systems”

Finally, there are a number of standards that pertain to trustworthiness. ISO/IEC 30147 “Integration of trustworthiness in IoT lifecycle processes” and ISO/IEC 30149 “IoT trustworthiness principles” are two ISO/IEC standards.

If you want to collaborate with me or learn more about a specific topic that is related to my research topics, please send me an email.