How to Make the Most of Your Career Journey: My Panel Participation

On October 10, I was a panelist at a Career Planning Day event at Malmö University. The event was geared towards doctoral students at the Faculty of Technology and Society (TS) who were interested in careers in industry or academia. We discussed questions about what doctoral students should be thinking about during different stages of their journey, as well as any obstacles we faced and how we overcame them. In the hopes that it will help in a student’s own career planning, I wanted to share some of the advice I shared during the day.

One of the most important things to keep in mind is that a career journey is just that—a journey. There will be ups and downs, detours and roadblocks, but if you keep your eye on the destination and you persevere, you will eventually get there.

Gift received for participating in the panel.

One piece of advice is to define goals. The first step to any successful career journey is to have a destination in mind. What do you want to achieve? What are your long-term goals? Once you have a clear idea of where you are going, you can map out a plan to get there.

The second piece of advice I gave is to start networking early on. Get to know people in your field, both in academia and in industry. Attend conferences and events, and do not be afraid to reach out to people you admire. You never know when one of these connections will come in handy.

Finally, one should not forget to take care of yourself along the way. A career is a marathon, not a sprint, so it is important to pace yourself and take care of your mental and physical health. If you burn out, it will be that much harder to keep going.

I would also advise against comparing yourself to others. It is easy to get caught up in what others are doing and to think that you should be doing the same thing. But everyone’s career journey is different, so focus on what works for you.

Never Underestimate the Power of Networking: Tips for Connecting with People at Conferences

Successful people are good at networking. The value of effective networking can be seen in the job market. Many application forms ask for references from several people. If you have an effective network, these people could also be your referees, and you can choose those who would be best placed to be asked about your suitability for a role.

Networking at conferences is a great way to make connections and find out about what other businesses are doing. It is always best to meet as many people as possible, but one should not be afraid to target their networking efforts at those who seem more interesting or relevant to them.

Here are five tips to be effective at networking at these important events:

1) Planning for the conference. You should be prepared before you even arrive at the conference. Make sure that you are familiar with the program, who is speaking, and what topics will be covered. This will help you decide where and when it would be most useful for you to meet people and make connections. Also, check out the website of the organization hosting the event so that you can see if there are any extra events taking place during the breaks (e.g., after lunch), which might provide further opportunities for networking.

2) Figure out who you need to meet and find them. If you do not know what they look like, ask a colleague. Highlight their names and search for them on the Internet so that you know what they look like.

3) Introductions. Introductions can be made in many ways – when you first arrive at the conference venue, walk around and introduce yourself to people who may benefit from knowing more about what you do or could offer them. Instead of hovering around one person and waiting for them to approach you, make the first move yourself.

4) Take part in the dinner. It is important to remember that it is the coffee/tea breaks, lunches, and dinners that are the prime networking opportunities, so do not stick all the time with your friends and colleagues. Also, remember not to drink too much or choose something really messy to eat.

5) Wear appropriate attire. If you want to be viewed as a serious professional, wear smart clothes. Wearing jeans to a networking event may not be ideal for the type of people you want to meet.

Networking is a skill that can be learned and developed, but it takes time to get good at it. Effective networking means being proactive about your own career progression and developing the skills to be a good networker. It is not difficult to do, but it does require some effort, thought, and planning. I hope that with this post you have learned some useful tips for building your network of connections.